This is a short imaginative and twisted tale that is thoughtful and takes you on an adventurous journey. Holes by Louis Sachar is a darkly funny and mysterious novel. It is a funny storybook about a boy named Stanley Yelnats who is sent to a juvenile detention camp where the master gives tasks to all boys they dig holes all day. But he figures out that there are some things hidden that the camp boss wants to do. It is a cool and adventurous story that is full of surprises, and secrets and you can also say that it is a full mystery.
It is very fantastic story about friends who solve all the mysteries and never give them up. In this book, you will like Stanley and his palls. The writing of this book is simple, easy, sometimes funny, and sometimes mysterious, which makes this book thought-provoking. This is the best book with a well-developed character. You should read this book if you want to have a funny and mysterious book. I recommend this book for young and especially children.
Louis Sachar is the best American author of children’s books. He is best known for his novel Holes which won the Newbery Medal in 1998. This book has sold more than 6.5 million copies worldwide and translated into more than 25 languages. It is the best moral and adventurous story and the most popular novel of all time.